
选集中的这11篇小说的译文都曾以单篇的形式在美国和中国的英文刊物上发表,但在收入本集时都做了一定程度的修订。我们以《伤逝》为例,这篇译文曾发表在上海的《天下月刊》(T'ien Hsia Monthly)第11卷(1940年8—9月)。在《伤逝》中有一段话描写涓生的心理活动,很能代表鲁迅对于爱情和人生的思考:



Though there were no books that I wanted to read, I did find quiet and a chance to think, and then I realized that I had during the past seven or eight months, overlooked because of love—a blind love—the meaning and significance of human existence.The most important thing is life.One must live in order to embody love.It is not that there is in the world no road to life for those who are willing to make the struggle and I had not yet forgotten how to flap my wings, though somewhat less effectively than before...


Though there were no books that I cared to read, I did find the atmosphere quiet and conducive to meditation.As I sat in the reading room and reviewed the past, I realized that during the past seven or eight months I had neglected—because of love, this blind love—other things in life just as important.The first of these is life itself, which is necessary for the embodiment of love and without which love cannot exist.There are still in this world roads to life for those who are willing to make the struggle, and I had not yet forgotten how to flap my wings, though I had become so much more ineffectual than I used to be.

细读这前后两份译文不难发现,后者显然更加忠实于原文,原文“待到孤身枯坐,回忆从前”在前一段中没有翻译出来,而在后一段中落实为“As I sat in the reading room and reviewed the past”;前文用“the meaning and significance of human existence”来翻译“别的人生的要义”也不够准确,特别是没有翻译出“别的”这层意思,后译用“other things in life”则要好得多。另外用neglect代替原来的overlook也更接近于“全盘疏忽”的原文表达。从这个例子可以看出王际真对翻译的精益求精。

王际真的译本出版后,其上乘的翻译质量立刻得到了广泛的好评。一篇发表于1942年第3期《远东季刊》(The Far Eastern Quarterly)上的评论是这样写的:“《阿Q及其他》不仅是鲁迅的,也是王际真的。……王际真是中国文学优秀的传播者和介绍者。他的每一篇作品都译出了原作的精髓,同时又能够为英语国家的读者所理解。他的这册鲁迅小说选集虽然部头不大,却填补了中文书架上一个巨大的空隙。”

除了以上的11篇外,王际真还翻译了《端午节》(What's the Difference?)、《示众》(Peking Street Scene),稍后收入王际真的另外一部小说译文集《当代中国小说选》(Contemporary Chinese Stories, 1944年哥伦比亚大学出版社出版)。在这部《当代中国小说选》中,除了鲁迅之外,王际真还翻译了张天翼、老舍、巴金等人的作品。

王际真1940年代出版的这两本英译小说选集对此后美国的中国现代文学翻译和研究产生了深远的影响。夏志清称赞王际真是“中国现代小说翻译的先驱者”(pioneering translator of modern Chinese fiction),并将自己1971年翻译的《20世纪中国短篇小说选集》(Twentieth-Century Chinese Stories)献给了王际真。事实上正是由于王际真的提携,夏志清才得以于1961年开始执教哥伦比亚大学,并在王际真退休后接替了这位先驱者的工作。