
[18] R. E. Cameron, op. cit., pp. 79, 85.

[19] The locus classicus of this discussion is G. Lefebvre, La révolution francaise et les paysans (1932), reprinted in Etudes sur la révolution francaise (1954).

[20] G. Mori, Osservazioni sul liberoscambismo dei moderati nel Risorgimento, Riv. Storic del Socialismo, III, 1960, p. 8.

[21] C. Issawi, Egypt since 1800, Journal of Economic History. March 1961, XXI, p. 1.

第十章 向才干之士敞开进身之路

[1] F. Engels, Condition of the Working Class in England, Chapter XII.

[2] M. Capefigue, Histoires des Grandes Operations Financières, IV (1860), p.255.

[3] M. Capefigue, loc. cit.,pp. 254,248—9.

[4] A. Beauvilliers, L’Art da Cuisinier, (Paris 1814).

[6] A. Briggs, Middle Class Consciousness in English Politics 1780—1846, Past and Present, 9, April 1956, p. 68.

[7] Donald Read, Press and People 1790—1850 (1961), p. 26.

[8] S. Smiles, Life of George Stephenson (1881 ed.), p. 183.

[9] Charles Dickens, Hard Times.

[10] Léon Faucher, Etudes sur l’Angleterre, I (1842), p. 322.

[11] M. J. Lambert-Dansette, Quelgues families du patronat textile de Lille-Armentières (Lille 1954), p. 659.

[12] Oppermann, Geschichte d. Königreichs Hannover, quoted in T. Klein, 1848, Der Vorkampf (1914), p. 71.

[13] G. Schilfert, Sieg u. Niederlage d. demokratischen Wahlrechts in d. deutschen Revolution 1848—9 (1952), pp. 404—5.

[14] Mulhall, op. cit. p. 259.

[15] W. R. Sharp, The French Civil Service (New York 1931), pp. 15—16.

[16] The Census of Great Britain in 1851 (London, Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans 1854), p. 57.

[17] R. Portal, La naissance d’une bourgeoisie industrielle en Russie dans la première moitié du XIX siècle. Bulletin de la Société d’Histoire Moderne, Douzième série, II,1959.

[18] Vienna, Verwaltungsarchiv, Polizeihofstelle, H 136/1834.

[19] A. Girault et L. Milliot, Principes de Colonisation et de Législation Coloniale (1938),p. 359.

[20] Louis Chevalier, Classes Laborieuses et Classes Dangereuses (Paris 1958) III, pt.2 discusses the use of the term ‘barbarians’, both by those hostile and by those friendly to the labouring poor in the 1840s.

[21] D. Simon, Master and Servant in J. Saville ed., Democracy and the Labour Movement(1954).

[22] P. Jaccard, Histoire Sociale du Travail (i960), p. 248.

[23] P. Jaccard, Op. cit., p. 249.

第十一章 劳动贫民

[1] The weaver Hauffe, born 1807, quoted in Alexander Schneer, Ueber die Moth der Leinen-Arbeiter in Schle-lesien . . . (Berlin 1844), p. 16.

[2] The theologian P. D. Michele Augusti, Della libertà ed eguaglianza degli uomini nell’ordine naturale e civile (1790), quoted in A. Cherubini, Dottrine e Metodi Assistenziali dal 1789 al 1848 (Milan 1958), p. 17.

[3] E. J. Hobsbawn, The Machine Breakers, Past and Present, I, 1952.

[4] ‘About some Lancashire Lads’ in The Leisure Hour (1881). I owe this reference to Mr A. Jenkin.

[5] ‘die Schnapspest im ersten Drittel des Jahrhunderts’, Handwoerterbuch d Staatswissenschaften (Seconded.) art.‘ Trunksucht’.

[6] L. Chevalier, Classes Laborieuses et Classes Dangereuses, passim.

[7] J. B. Russell, Public Health Administration in Glasgow (1903), p. 3.

[9] E. Neuss, Entstehung u. Entwicklung d.Klasse d. besitzlosen Lohnarbeiter in Halle (Berlin 1958), p. 283.

[10] J. Kuczynski, Geschichte der Lage der Arbeiter (Berlin 1960), Vol. 9, p. 264 ff; Vol. 8 (1960), p. 109 ff.

[11] R. J. Rath, The Habsburgs and the Great Depression in Lombardo-Venetia 1814—18. Journal of Modern History, XIII, p. 311.

[12] M. C. Muehlemann, Les prix des vivres et Ie mouvement de la population dans Ie canton de Berne 1782—1881. IV Congrès International d’Hygiène (1883).

[13] F. J. Neumann, Zur Lehre von d Lohngesetzen, Jb.f.Nat.Oek. 3d ser. IV 1892, p. 374 ff.

[14] R. Scheer, Entwicklung d Annaberger Posamentierindustrie im 19. Jahrhundert.(Leipzig 1909), pp. 27—8, 33.